Monday 12:00-7:00
Tuesday 10:00-4:00
Wednesday 10:00-4:00.
Thursday 10:00-4:00.
Friday 10:00-4:00
Cribbage- Mondays 1:00pm
Crafters – Thursdays 10:30am
Story Time – Fridays 10:30am
Summer Reading: 59 people participated in our Summer Reading program and $1165 was donated to C.A.L.L. (Citizens Association of Liberty Lakes)!
Thank you to all the area businesses who supported the Liberty Library Summer Reading: Lake St. George Brewing Company; Liberty Graphics; Pieceworks, Inc.; Joanne Pease, CPA; and John’s Ice Cream.
Update about Interlibrary Loan: Interlibrary loan for van delivery is available again! Please limit request to 3 items. This will help library staff and STAT delivery to gradually resume ILL processing over the first few weeks of the service.
Our delivery day is now on Wednesday. This necessitates a change in schedules. You will find Barb at the library on Wednesdays and Fridays. (No longer on Thursdays.) So if you need technology help or need tickets for the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, visit on Wednesday or Friday. Our open hours will remain the same.
See the Circulation and Borrowing Policy for membership information.