In-Person Digital Literacy Classes
Liberty Library is working with the Waldo Broadband Corporation and the National Digital Equity Center (NDEC) to offer free digital literacy classes for our community. NDEC strives to provide valuable hands-on experience to empower you with the digital tools you need to navigate today’s world. These classes are in-person at the library. See schedule and register.
Book Discussion Group
A monthly nonfiction Book Discussion is held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30, October – June. The book to be discussed will be posted on the website. Everyone is welcome whether you have read the book or not. Carol McGovern and Barb Rehmeyer will be co-facilitators.
Suggest a nonfiction book for future Book Discussions.
Story Time – Fridays at 10:30
A fun atmosphere and safe environment for parent or caregiver and child to share time together at the library and to make new friends.
First Mahjong meet-up will be Tuesday, June 18 and continue on Tuesdays throughout the summer.
Homeschool Group
The Homeschool Group will meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month from September to June at 10:00am at the Liberty Library. We have a theme about which families share something. Everyone welcome. Schedule for Homeschool 2023-24
Meeting Thursdays at 4:00pm. Bring your Scrabble boards if you have one.
Crafters Group – Wednesday mornings, 10:30-12:00
Bring a handcraft of your choice to work on in an informal setting and chat with your neighbors. Anyone welcome!
Lego Club
John and Janelle Mooskian have volunteered to run the Lego Club monthly from February -May on the last Thursday of the month from 3:30-4:30. The dates will be 2/29, 3/28, 4/25, 5/30. Each week they will have a different theme to inspire the children’s creative builds. Kids will be able to share their creations with the group and display them in the children’s area. Lego Club is a time for children to get together with other children and build new relationships. There is a different project every week. Parents/guardians are invited to engage with their children. Or they may choose to wait downstairs as long as they remain at the library for the full hour. We ask that children, stay in the Children’s Room during Lego Club.