
Monday 12:00-7:00
Tuesday 10:00-4:00
Wednesday 10:00-4:00.
Thursday 10:00-4:00. 
Friday 10:00-4:00


Crafters – Thursdays 10:30am

Story Time – Fridays 10:30am


See the Circulation and Borrowing Policy for other membership information.

March Madness Cribbage Tournament

The winner is Julie Beckford!

Julie Beckford (left) and Bea Turner competed in a neck-and-neck match for the championship.

The winner received a Cribbage Wars Board Game. Julie and Bea decided to share it!


Thank you to everyone who competed in the tournament this year.


Pysanka Workshop

Sat, April 5, 1-3:00pm


Lesia Sochor will teach how to do the Art of Ukrainian Egg Decoration at the Liberty Library. The workshop is limited to 15 people. This activity is appropriate for ages 8 & up. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration required.


The ancient ritual of transforming an ordinary egg into a ‘Pysanka’ can be traced as far back as 5000 BC. Seen as the embodiment of the renewal of life, they were a source of wonder and magic for primitive people. The egg continues its talismanic powers to this day as a spring tradition, now associated with Easter, as it is passed down from one generation to the next. Lesia Sochor was taught this exquisite art form by her Ukrainian mother. She celebrates her cultural roots and connection to her homeland, in her annual decoration of Pysanky.


Designs are drawn on the egg with melted beeswax which flows from a tool called a ‘Kystka’ The eggs are then dipped in a series of dyes and the final pattern is revealed when the wax is removed.


This workshop is funded by a generous donation from a library patron.


Digital Literacy Classes

Liberty Library is working with the National Digital Equity Center (NDEC) and Waldo Broadband Corporation to offer free digital literacy classes for our community. These classes are in-person:


Understanding Cloud Library
April 7 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Cloud Library is an online platform used by libraries in Maine, including Liberty Library, to borrow eBooks and audiobooks. This free service allows you to choose from over 10,000 titles to view or listen to on your device. Learn how to download, navigate, and customize your Cloud Library. Requirements for this class: A device connected to the internet and an active library card with a participating library. Note: After the NDEC class, Barb will demonstrate how to use hoopla©, which the library also subscribes to for eBooks, audiobooks, comic books, music, TV shows, and movies.


Register here.  Click on the “Reserve your spot” button. You can also email or call 207-589-3161. (Wednesday or Friday afternoons are best.) Please register as early as possible as classes are limited. If you do not receive a registration confirmation email, please contact the library.

Simon Beckford Photography Exhibit

Simon Beckford is displaying photographs at the library during March and April. This exhibit explores the magical and mysterious in the world around us, with a selection of photos taken over the last five years. Photography is a way for Simon to play with different ways of seeing.




Simon is an artist and wilderness guide based in Liberty, Maine. His photographs are for sale:

  • 8×12 Framed Prints are $350
  • 12×18 Framed Prints are $500

25% of proceeds go to the Liberty Library.
Photos will be available for pickup in May after the exhibit is taken down.


Book Discussion

Wednesday, April 16 at 6:30pm


Cher : The Memoir, Part One by Cher


After more than seventy years of fighting to live her life on her own terms, Cher finally reveals her true story in intimate detail, in a two-part memoir. Her remarkable career is unique and unparalleled. The only woman to top Billboard charts in seven consecutive decades, she is the winner of an Academy Award, an Emmy, a Grammy, and a Cannes Film Festival Award, and an inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame who has been lauded by the Kennedy Center. She is a lifelong activist and philanthropist.


Request this book through MILS. Additional copies are available in MaineCAT. There are both audiobooks and Large Print available in the catalogs, but they are in high demand. Check to see if copies are available.



Winter Dance by Marion Dane Bauer ; illustrated by Richard Jones.


A fox wonders how he should prepare for the coming winter, but what other animals advise will not work for him until another fox comes to his aid.


 Haystack Mountain Trail is behind Walker Elementary School. This 1.1-mile footpath loop winds through a mixed northern hardwoods forest with a short spur to the open summit. Take the road on the left of the Walker Health Center and park at the ball field behind it. Address: 43 West Main St. Liberty, ME.


.*The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Storywalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.


Use our privacy booth for a quiet work space, meetings, and phone calls. It is normally on a first-come basis, but if you would like to schedule its use for a meeting or telehealth appointment, call the library ahead of time, and we will reserve it for you. Generally the use time is 1-hour but that is flexible, especially if no one is waiting to use it. You may bring your own device or use the library’s laptop computer.



Libraries aren’t quiet places as they used to be. The library is a multi-use community space, but the Zenbooth gives an individual space to work in silence and perhaps tap into their zen energy!

Imagination Library Survey

We thank you for enrolling your children in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and your response is anonymous. The feedback received will allow us to compile statistics that will be useful for us to make sure that our efforts are having the biggest possible impact on early literacy in Maine; and also valuable as we seek support to keep the Imagination Library program continuing into the future. Click this link.


Not enrolled in the Imagination Library or not sure what it is?  Check here.