
Monday 12:00-7:00
Tuesday 10:00-4:00
Wednesday 10:00-4:00.
Thursday 10:00-4:00. 
Friday 10:00-4:00


Crafters – Wed. 10:30am

Story Time – Fridays 10:30am


See the Circulation and Borrowing Policy for membership information.


Is the barcode on your library card fading? We have discovered that the barcodes printed with a thermal printer tend to fade after a while. Reciprocal borrowing libraries will not be happy if they cannot scan your barcode. If you have found this to be a problem, please return your card to the library. A new barcode printed on a laser printer will be affixed to your card. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Please do not try to do an interlibrary loan request from another library using your reciprocal borrowing card because it doesn’t work. The library that receives it, especially a Minerva library such as Belfast Free Library, will not know who requested it. Please use MILS  or MaineCat to request an item, and have it sent to the Liberty Library. Borrowing a physical item from one of the reciprocal borrowing libraries is another way to do an interlibrary loan. Just sending people to do the moving and not sending the item to the home library!


NEW! Children who join the library will receive their First Library Card! Any child under 12 who is already a member of the library may ask for one at the library Desk. Note: These cards may not be used for Reciprocal Borrowing.