Patron Behavior Policy

Patron Behavior Policy.pdf

All persons have free and equal access to the Liberty Library, its facilities, and services during regular business hours. The Library’s Patron Behavior Policy has a threefold purpose: to protect the rights and safety of library patrons, to protect the rights and safety of volunteer and staff members, and to preserve the library’s materials, facilities, property, and grounds.

Library patrons are expected to:

  • Respect library policies and procedures.
  • Respect rights and privacy of other patrons, volunteers, and staff.
  • Limit noise including loud cell phone conversations and use of audible devices.
  • Dress appropriately.
  • Consume food or beverages in a manner that does not cause damage to materials and equipment.
  • Be responsible for the safety and behavior of children or dependents in their care.
  • Be responsible for materials borrowed and fees incurred by themselves or their minor children (see Title 17-A: MAINE CRIMINAL CODE at


Library patrons may not: 

  • Willfully destroy or damage any library property.
  • Remove library property from the building without authorization through established lending procedures.
  • Bring animals (other than those certified to assist the disabled) into the library without permission.
  • Use tobacco products (or electronic substitutes), alcohol, and/or unauthorized drugs in any form anywhere on library property.
  • Engage in illegal behavior or activity.
  • Harass, intimidate, or discriminate against patrons, volunteers, or staff, including cursing, campaigning, unwanted verbal or physical contact of any type, or sexual or physical threats.



Inappropriate behavior as outlined above or committing a crime on library property will have consequences. Patrons may be  given a warning or asked to leave the library premises immediately. In addition, an individual may be barred from library premises temporarily or permanently depending on the severity of the offense. To enforce these policies, police may be contacted to take any other measures reasonably appropriate and necessary.


Revised and Approved 11/25/2023