Exhibit Loan Agreement.pdf
Liberty Library is a public forum where ideas and information are freely communicated and a broad spectrum of opinions are presented in displays and exhibits. Viewpoints expressed in displays reflect the library’s intellectual freedom policy and are not endorsements of the viewpoints. The term “display” is used collectively to include flyers, posters, handouts, and exhibit items.
The responsibility for approval of displays rests with the Library Director or appointed designee(s). Decisions will be based on availability of space, relationship of the material to the mission of the library, size and/or quantity. Priority is given to the library, followed by not-for-profit groups.
The Liberty Library maintains bulletin boards inside and outside for the purpose of promoting the services and programs of the library and the community. The director or appointed designee(s) must approve all materials posted.
Materials permitted on outside bulletin board:
- Notices for not-for-profit sales, meetings, events, cultural activities, or information.
- Local Town News and Reports.
- Items no larger than 8 1/2 ” x 14″. Larger notices will be accepted on a space-available basis.
Materials permitted on inside bulletin board:
- Notices for profit sales, meetings, events, cultural activities, or information. Political materials promoting candidates for public office or a particular political issue are not permitted.
- Posters and notices should not be submitted more than 30 days before an event; they will be removed after the event. Notices for ongoing events will be displayed for no longer than 90 days.
- Items no larger than 8 1/2 ” x 14″ are preferred. Larger notices will be accepted on a space-available basis.
Exhibits from sources within the community and surrounding region are encouraged in the library. All exhibits must consider the limited space within the library and not cause disruption to normal operation of library services. Such exhibits will remain in place for no longer than eight weeks with set-up and removal being the responsibility of the exhibitor (or exhibitor’s designee). Exhibits displayed on library wall spaces must be mounted on the existing library wall display system. Alternate display systems must be approved in advance by the director or appointed designee(s). The exhibitor will complete the Exhibit Loan Agreement.
The library assumes no liability for damage or loss relating to any exhibit set-ups for public viewing in the library and will take no extraordinary measures to insure its safety.