
Monday 12:00-7:00
Tuesday 10:00-4:00
Wednesday 10:00-4:00.
Thursday 10:00-4:00. 
Friday 10:00-4:00


Crafters – Thursdays 10:30am

Story Time – Fridays 10:30am


Reminder: The emails you receive from mils.noreply@maineinfonet.org are not from the library. They are auto-generated from the MILS system. Please do not reply to those messages and assume they will be seen. You may Forward them or contact the library.


See the Circulation and Borrowing Policy for other membership information.

March Madness Cribbage Tournament

First week of the tournament begins on Sunday, March 2nd. Check back here for updates. Good luck to all the participants! This year’s winner will receive a Cribbage Wars Board Game.


Cribbage Tournament Directions

Free For All

Sat, March 15, 2pm at the the Searsmont Community Hall [Snow date, Sat, March 22, 2pm]


Please join the Liberty, Appleton, and Searsmont libraries at the Searsmont Community Center for a special preview viewing of a new IndieLens documentary by Dawn Logsdon and Lucie Faulknor: Free For All: the Public Library.


This inspiring film is about how public libraries shaped the country and continue to be a sanctuary for Americans everywhere. It tells the story of the quiet revolutionaries who made a simple idea happen. From the pioneering women behind the “Free Library Movement”, to today’s librarians who service the public despite working in a contentious age of closures and book bans; meet those who created a civic institution where everything is free and the doors are open to all.


A post-screening discussion will be led by Denise Pendleton (STL Board of Trustees). The total event will run about 2 hours.


.Free For All will air on PBS on April 29.

Digital Literacy Classes

Liberty Library is working with the National Digital Equity Center (NDEC) and Waldo Broadband Corporation to offer free digital literacy classes for our community. These classes are in-person:


iPad Intermediate
March 17 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
March 24 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
March 31 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

This course builds on the skills that are acquired in the iPad/iPhone Basics class. The primary focus of the Intermediate class is the exploration of the applications that Apple provides for free as part of the iOS. Applications such as Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Messages, FaceTime, and many others will be covered. Requirements for this class: An iPad/iPhone connected to the internet and completion of
iPad Basics or equivalent knowledge.


Register here.  Click on the “Reserve your spot” button. You can also email or call 207-589-3161. (Wednesday or Friday afternoons are best.) Please register as early as possible as classes are limited. If you do not receive a registration confirmation email, please contact the library.

Simon Beckford Photography Exhibit

Simon Beckford is displaying photographs at the library during March and April. This exhibit explores the magical and mysterious in the world around us, with a selection of photos taken over the last five years. Photography is a way for Simon to play with different ways of seeing.




Simon is an artist and wilderness guide based in Liberty, Maine. His photographs are for sale:

  • 8×12 Framed Prints are $350
  • 12×18 Framed Prints are $500

25% of proceeds go to the Liberty Library.
Photos will be available for pickup in May after the exhibit is taken down.


Book Discussion

Wednesday, March 19 at 6:30pm


Appetite for Life: The Biography of Julia Child by Noel Riley Fitch


In this intimate and revealing biography, based on exclusive interviews and scores of private letters and diaries, Noel Riley Fitch leads us through Julia Child’s incredible life.


Request this book through MILS. Additional copies are available in MaineCAT. Digital audiobook available on hoopla©.



Winter Dance by Marion Dane Bauer ; illustrated by Richard Jones.


A fox wonders how he should prepare for the coming winter, but what other animals advise will not work for him until another fox comes to his aid.


 Haystack Mountain Trail is behind Walker Elementary School. This 1.1-mile footpath loop winds through a mixed northern hardwoods forest with a short spur to the open summit. Take the road on the left of the Walker Health Center and park at the ball field behind it. Address: 43 West Main St. Liberty, ME. (more…)


Use our privacy booth for a quiet work space, meetings, and phone calls. It is normally on a first-come basis, but if you would like to schedule its use for a meeting or telehealth appointment, call the library ahead of time, and we will reserve it for you. Generally the use time is 1-hour but that is flexible, especially if no one is waiting to use it. You may bring your own device or use the library’s laptop computer.



Libraries aren’t quiet places as they used to be. The library is a multi-use community space, but the Zenbooth gives an individual space to work in silence and perhaps tap into their zen energy!

Imagination Library Survey

We thank you for enrolling your children in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and your response is anonymous. The feedback received will allow us to compile statistics that will be useful for us to make sure that our efforts are having the biggest possible impact on early literacy in Maine; and also valuable as we seek support to keep the Imagination Library program continuing into the future. Click this link.


Not enrolled in the Imagination Library or not sure what it is?  Check here.